
Because a real update is necessary now and then

As far as specifically YAM activities, September has been reasonably quiet. However, with other various ministries and school (for some) starting back up and people getting married (congrats Mike and Jo!) it has been pretty busy. But enough about that.

We've started a new study on the book of Mark. Personally, I'm super excited about it. It's amazing to me how I've read Mark multiple times, but it's really coming alive now. Mark doesn't spend a lot of time on what Jesus said, but rather what he did. It's action-packed. So, all that was to say, if you haven't come out to Bible study in a while, or at all, I strongly encourage you to come. It's going to be a sweet ride!


Temporary Change of Location

We've been temporarily displaced for Bible Study while the Candys do some renovations on their home.

For the next few weeks, we'll be meeting Tuesdays at 7:30pm for Bible Study at

1640 Church Rd
Southampton, NJ 08088

Feel free to park on the grass!