
COOKIES!!! Nom nom nom nom nom.

The Second Annual Christmas Cookie Cookoff was great! There were so many entries - lots and lots of really good cookies.

So naturally, we need to announce the winners. That way you know which people to see to order cookies :).

First Day of School Classic (chocolate chip cookies) - Jen
Italian Bakery Knockoff - Rachel G. (red velvet creme filled cookie yumminess)
Hey, That's Not a Cookie - Bekki (tiny cupcakes - they were gluten free too!)
Best Overall - Taron (lemon delish cookies. I don't know what they are officially called, but they were lemon. And they were delicious)

Thank you all of you who made cookies. And thanks to everyone who didn't but did a great job of judging and eating. Seriously, I had a great time!

The extra cookies (and there were a LOT of extra cookies) will be going to the Nativity. So, naturally, I'm going to include a Nativity plug. This weekend, Dec 18, 19 & 20, is the LAST weekend of the Nativity for 2009. The next one won't be for another whole year! So come join us 5-8pm. Or better yet, you can come help out and be in a scene.


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