
In case there are drought conditions

A quick overview of the lovely month of September.

Have you ever wondered what the perfect cure for a drought is? Well, we've figured it out.

Plan a YAM event.

In September we had great plans to go to Six Flags Great Adventure and Wild Safari. It was September 6th, to be precise. Well, Tropical Storm Hannah was not in favor of that idea. The weather station mentioned that the rain was going to be rather enthusiastic, so we scratched the Six Flags plans. They were right. It rained....really...hard. BUT we are not so easily discouraged.

The perfect cure for ruined Six Flags plans? Bowling. Whoever thought to throw a really heavy ball at a bunch of pins was brilliant. I'm completely serious. And only slightly less brilliant (but still rather genius-like) is the person who thought up adding pizza and soda into the mix. Needless to say, we had a good time.

Sept 27th was our next date for Six Flags awesomeness. The forecast - lots of rain. All day. The weekends between the 6th and 27th? Beautiful. Bother all. But wait! Since it wasn't supposed to be any lightning, we proceeded with our plans, and God was incredibly gracious and held off the rain. I think it only rained (which was more of a mist) for about 15 minutes in the afternoon. The rest of the day was clear.

It's a general misconception that giraffes are herbivores. I say misconception because under further investigation, we found they do indeed like plants, but they also are quite fond of metal. I have no idea how they feel about meat, but metal? Huge fans. They tried to eat our cars while we drove through the safari. There's nothing quite like huge giraffe lip marks on your window.

Another misconception - not having to wait in line at all for rollercoasters in the ideal situation. Well, maybe not being forced to wait is great, but not waiting can be argued against. The park was pretty much empty - fantastic. We went on a bunch of coasters more than once in a row, and it was fun...until we realized that one's brain is not accustomed to handling such G-forces without having time to regain equilibrium between coasters. I was not the only queezy one.

But it was so much fun! So many coasters, and we were back by 5pm! We hit every coaster (including the runaway train - not meant for people with long legs) except the scream machine. Because honestly - our heads and stomachs did not need that many flips and shakes as the Scream Machine would provide. The whole day was sweet.

And that's September

Lets start at the very beginning...

Fellowship Baptist Church began their newly redesigned Young Adults Ministry at the end of May 2008. Under the leadership of seven individuals, YAM set out to provide an avenue for the young adults to connect with each other, grow in their relationship with Christ, and serve the church and community.

Much has happened in the past five months. Detailing everything would take way too much space and time, but here's a quick overview.

Bible Study on Tuesday nights has been such a blessing from God. Recently Lee's been leading because Javan's been overseas and we've been learning about the Holy Spirit and Charle Swindoll's book Flying Closer to the Flame.

About every month, we have a cookout on Sunday afternoon. These are mainly a time to connect and socialize with each other - and get a free lunch!

We've also been having big activities every month or so. I'll write more about that later.

Overall, it's been so much fun to be a part of this ministry. Everyone is so fun! And it's been awesome to grow in the Lord and watch people around me grow too.