
COOKIES!!! Nom nom nom nom nom.

The Second Annual Christmas Cookie Cookoff was great! There were so many entries - lots and lots of really good cookies.

So naturally, we need to announce the winners. That way you know which people to see to order cookies :).

First Day of School Classic (chocolate chip cookies) - Jen
Italian Bakery Knockoff - Rachel G. (red velvet creme filled cookie yumminess)
Hey, That's Not a Cookie - Bekki (tiny cupcakes - they were gluten free too!)
Best Overall - Taron (lemon delish cookies. I don't know what they are officially called, but they were lemon. And they were delicious)

Thank you all of you who made cookies. And thanks to everyone who didn't but did a great job of judging and eating. Seriously, I had a great time!

The extra cookies (and there were a LOT of extra cookies) will be going to the Nativity. So, naturally, I'm going to include a Nativity plug. This weekend, Dec 18, 19 & 20, is the LAST weekend of the Nativity for 2009. The next one won't be for another whole year! So come join us 5-8pm. Or better yet, you can come help out and be in a scene.



College Christmas Bash - More Info!

December 22, 8pm
1640 Church Road
Southampton, NJ 08088

The bulletin said it's at the church. ITS NOT! There is Celebrate Recovery that night, so we aren't using the church building. We'll be at the Roberts'.

There will be Christmas-themed food, activities, and other fun stuff.

This event is to welcome home all the college students. All of YAM is invited to help welcome them! We love our college students!